Боевой листок » Новости » Why the Russia went to war in Ukraine

Why the Russia went to war in Ukraine

A lot of propaganda is flying around the media in the modern world.

I can't really say, what I am an expert in propaganda, but I do have some advantages.

With Russian as native language and English as a working language, I can hear both sides. My skill gives me the ability to analyze and pinpoint the credible facts out of propaganda flow of both sides.

Russia went to war to Ukraine. That is a well-known fact, and this fact is widely distributed around the world media. For many people, who see only one side of the story, it's terribly wrong act by Russia and Putin.

It is. War is not the thing we want in the world around us.

War is suffering and misery of people, it's news about deaths of loved ones for mothers and families. And we all know that. War is crazy.

So, here is questions — was Putin absolutely insane when he makes this decision? Why a lot of Russians fully recognizing that war is disaster for everybody, and still support his decision? Are they all completely mad, and just enjoying bloodshed?

Well, before we go any further, I want to ask you to see photos under cut. I am warming you, it's not something you want to see. I should admit that tears come to my eyes every time I see it. So, it's your choice. You have been warned.

But under the cut is truth. Truth, which you won't be able to see on official media. Truth confirmed by people, I know — my relatives, my friends, my colleges. Besides, content speak by yourself.

This is Ukrainian 23 years old girl — Kristina Zuk, enjoying first steps of her 10 months daughter Kira.

This is the same girl with her kid a couple of days later. 27 July 2014 after artillery shot the shells to Gorlovka — used to be a peaceful town in East of Ukraine.

Another town of Eastern Ukraine. Another dad carrying his dead daughter after yet another attack to the town.

Donetsk. Yet another artillery attack to town. Town market was a target.

When the missile from attack plane (first video) hit the building women was speaking with her daughter. She is asking the man to find her phone and call the number. It was her last words...



Girl killed by throw mines. Same town of Gorlovka...

Result of shell hit the apartment building block

Angel's alley - a memorial for kids, who was killed in last 8 years in Donetsk. On the left are names. On the right is age. Over 200 kids were killed. And this list kept increasing. New and new names are being added all the time. Now this list, we hope is completed and no more names will be added to this list.

I added just a few photos and videos to this post. There are too many of them coming from that area showing what war brings to the people. Too many tragedies. Over 200 kids were killed. Over dozens of thousands of women and men.

The post will become kilometers long...

Those who have a stronger heart to see more — click here

Facebook and other social media will block these photos immediately and block you from any activity for a long time. Tested. Don't try.


Now the question remains the same — are the Putin completely mad and clear evil to go war?

Well, I don't know whether you realize or not. All these videos and photos were taken in Donbass. Breakaway province of Ukraine. And its Ukrainian regime who starts and continue eight years killing of people.

This war did not start yesterday. This war with dozens of thousands of victims of war is eight years long. And it's not Russia who started this war. It's a Russia who is trying to finally stop this war.

In my opinion — it late. Too late for over hundreds of dead children. But better late than never.

Some of Ukrainian don't even realize how they sound. I meet with Ukrainian Chief Cook on one the vessel on Gas Trial. We were talking. He was bragging to me how good the Ukrainian post office is working. As an example, he tells me the story how his friends, who serve in Ukrainian army in Donbass torn and send to home nice cast iron gate from one of private houses. He said — "the Owner of house don't need them anymore". He shut up when he saw my face. I don't know if he realizes what I was thinking about at that moment. Better, he don't...

Donbass decide to break away from Ukraine after the successful coup in Kiev in 2014.

Coup was supported at official level by European countries and USA. Assistant Secretary of US State Department Victoria Nuland openly and proudly stated that the USA spent over 5 billion USD for this development (04.25 but listen whole speech. It's interesting. Especially, when she says about "peaceful process"). President of many European country was openly joining and supporting the coup.


There is one golden rule of life — it states, don't do anything to anybody, which you don't want them to do to you.

They broke this rule — just imagine Russia giving money to Catalonian separatist, or to Turkish on Cyprus, or to Welch or Irish, with Russian official encouraging criminal element of crowd to go ahead and fight the police.

Thats exactly what European and USA Politian's were doing on Maidan. Will it make you happy if Russian do the same in your country? Well, Crimea and Donbass people was not happy about it. Strange, huh?

Assistant Secretary of US State Department Victoria Nuland giving cookies to protesters. Do you want Politian's from other countries encourage protesters to fight the police?

Eastern Ukraine was not agreed to overthrowing the President they elect (not the best choice as for me, but they vote for him) want to live they own way. speak their own language on their own land.

They did ask the people's opinions. They had a referendum. They try to do it peacefully. What Ukrainian new regime did? They move the troops to province.

Thats how it was. Barehanded people try to stop Ukrainians military tanks. Trying to explain that this is their land. They get bullets in return...

If somebody didn't know. Before they took guns, people of Donbass were trying to stop military send by regime to area with bare hands

When Ukraine was willing to break away from Russia in 1991, Russia allow her to do that without any problem, without any shooting — you want to be independent? Go for it and try. No problem from our side.

Like Chech and Slovak did. Like Scottish try do with UK. Peacefully and asking the people opinion.

But same wasn't go well with Ukraine new regime created on coup success. When part of Ukraine tries to do the same, as Ukraine itself — see above what happen.

For 8 long years Ukrainian military forces was shelling, bombing, shooting to peaceful towns killing thousand children, women, and man.

This war was not reflected in what in Russia called — western media. 8 years of war, thousands of deaths — no mention.

You try to post something on Facebook or other social media? You will get a ban for a considerable period.

President of Ukraine said — "Our children will go to school. Your children will sit in a dungeon under our shells. This is how we win". This is a quote. The video is below. Ask your Ukrainian friend for full translation. There are more.


Giving a credit to President Poroshenko, he is a man of his word. He did exactly as he told. Yes, children of Donbass really were hiding in the dungeons from his artillery and bombing, while his son and daughter were studying in London's Concorde college

Many Russian people are angry on Putin, what he doesn't wipe out Ukrainian President and everybody who vote for him, to the ground straight after these words.

I am a bad guy. I am not so nice as Putin. I will nuke this President and everyone voting for him, as soon as anybody say, that my kids should sit in the dungeon hiding from Ukrainian artillery.

Don't know... Probably, Putin thinks first of his country.

That Russia up to now. was not ready to face of all these consequences, which Russia face now for stopping eight years long war, with hundreds of dead Russian children, women, and man. I understand that on a logical level. But I can't accept it on a level of emotion.

For 8 years Russia tries all the diplomatic ways — Minsk agreement, approved in UN, and which Ukraine refuse to comply numerous times on official level, continuing shelling of Donbass towns

Now, finally the famous Russian patience come to end. Or may be Russia now just ready to stop the war and face all the sanction from West for stopping it.

The latest speech of President Zelensky in Munich Security Conference, there he was stating that Ukraine going to denounce agreement about Ukraine - no nuclear weapon state, probably add to Russian decision to attack Ukraine as well

Interesting thing — one idiot state suicidal thing, but complete nation pays for it.

Well, may be people should think before they make their choice on election.

Putin states that the target for military operation is demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

I believe, above make it clear why he wants to demilitarize Ukraine — to stop killing the innocent people — children, women, men, which going on for 8 years now. To stop them dreaming of nuclear weapons in their hands...

What about other targets? Is it Ukraina is so Nazi now?

The answer is — yes. The power in Ukraine is held by the people, who admire Nazi idea. And they do push Nazi propaganda to the people.

Many streets are named after Bandera — Ukrainian Nazi leader, WW2 time. His hands and hands of his supporter is soaked with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews, Russian and others.

Nazi propaganda goes in nowadays Ukraine on official level. And it does penetrate people's minds.

The girl is absolutely innocent. But the ones who teach her at this age to Nazi salute is not.

I have some questions for this mother...



Crowd shouting — Hitlerjugend! SS!

Kids are shouting — kill the Russian!

For countries of former USSR, who lost at WW2 about 27 million people, such a propaganda of Nazi idea, immediately bring the question — why it not wiped to ash immediately after we saw it.

Not waiting 8 long years — immediately! We know from our grandfathers and mothers what war and Nazi bring to our life. My grandfather was killed in Stalingrad. Other was fighting in the North defending the British & USA convoys to USSR. This is memory on genetic level — Nazi? Wipe it out immediately.

Putin, what takes you so long?

Again — I can put kilometers of such a videos, photos, and other proofs. But post is too long already. Will add to comments maybe if somebody need more...

Thats it for now. I hope I express my position clearly.
источник: блогер gasdmitry
03-03-2022 05:36
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